Affiliate Accelerator Review

Affiliate Accelerator Review

Affiliate Accelerator Review

Name: Affiliate Accelerator


Owner: Billy Darr

Price: $17.95 + Upsells

Overall Rank: 8/10

What is Affiliate Accelerator?

Affiliate Accelerator is a step by step video training on how to build a successful affiliate marketing business from A-Z.

Billy says this is the best training he has put together and is everything he is doing in his own online business.

==>> Grab Affiliate Accelerator and My Exclusive Custom Bonuses Here <<==

Pros VS Cons:


  • Beginner and newbie friendly
  • Step-by-step video training from A-Z
  • Brand new 2019 training
  • Foundations
  • Traffic and buyer traffic strategies
  • A proven method that works


  • Upsells

What’s in Affiliate Accelerator and what does it do?

Launching on the Warrior Plus affiliate network on June 19th at 11 AM EDT, Affiliate Accelerator is the latest product from the experienced online marketer, Billy Darr.

Affiliate Accelerator is a full video training course that will teach people how to build a successful affiliate marketing business from A-Z.

Billy will teach you the foundations, how to set everything up, how to get traffic and consistent sales… Everything he uses in his own online business and teaches to his high-ticket coaching clients.

Who is Affiliate Accelerator for?

Anyone that wants to build a successful online affiliate marketing business.

The course is geared towards the make money online/internet marketing niche.

Tools and Training:

There is a 4 module, 20 video training course, together with audio MP3 downloads, action steps for each module and a done-for-you funnel you can download.

Affiliate Accelerator Review


There is a support desk where you can open a ticket.

Billy constantly asks you to contact them if you have any problems or questions. 

How much does Affiliate Accelerator cost?

Front End: Affiliate Accelerator – $17.95 (Price Will Rise Every 60 Mins until it reaches $97)

The front end product includes 20 amazing step-by-step video’s that literally show your customers A – Z of how to build a profitable affiliate business. We cover setup, list building, traffic strategy, monetizing the list, email sequences, templates, action steps and so much more. This itself is worth at least $997

Upsell 1: Affiliate Accelerator – Automated Edition – $97

The automated edition contains our 2-in-1 affiliate software that lets end users create bonus pages and simple little pdf’s embedded with their affiliate links which they can share on social media in 1-click.

Upsell 2: Affiliate Accelerator – Traffic Edition – $47

This upgrade gives your customers one of our best selling traffic apps that allow syndication of video, text and images to 13 different social sites for massive free traffic.

Upsell 3: Affiliate Accelerator – 1k Edition – $97

This upgrade shows your customers how they can potentially scale up to 1K a day by leveraging the traffic strategy we teach inside.

Upsell 4: Affiliate Accelerator – License Edition – $47

The Ultimate edition gives your customers the rights to sell the products throughout the funnel, keep 100% of the profits and rebrand the software with their own logo. As you know our funnel contains professional high-grade sales copy, well-engineered killer animated VSL’s throughout and no expense is spared. They basically get their hands on the same funnel that would cost them $3,000 to build but they can get it for just $47.

Upsell 5: Affiliate Accelerator – Diamond Edition – $197

Your customers experience a very individual custom funnel setup experience. Now we actually set up a funnel for your customers on their hosting, with their accounts so they can build a list and make money. Not only is the funnel completely set up for them, but we also include autoresponder integration, squeeze page setup, follow up emails added and additional traffic tutorials. We pay a lot of money to deliver this service to your customers, it is well worth it so be sure to push this one in your emails, You will be glad you did!

*As always, the upsells are completely optional and you are under no obligation to purchase all of them OR any of them… just be aware of them, judge them on their merits and consider whether they will suit your needs.*

There is also a 30-day money back guarantee.

Ready to accelerate your affiliate income?

The Affiliate Accelerator looks a pretty solid course, in my opinion.

Billy has included just about everything you need to set up a successful affiliate marketing business.

For $17.95 I don’t think you are going to go wrong with this one, and even if you pick it up at the full asking price of $97 it’s still a bargain… I’ve seen courses similar to this selling for hundreds of dollars.

But, before you decide, here are my exclusive custom bonuses, if you decide to pick up “Affiliate Accelerator” via my link.

My Exclusive Custom Bonuses


*I have hand-picked all of these exclusive bonuses so that you can use them in combination with Affiliate Accelerator and scale it to the next level!*

If you pick up ANY upsell I will give you these extra bonuses!

*All of these bonuses will be immediately available for automatic download in your Warrior Plus Account after purchase*



Final Verdict: 8/10

==>> Grab Affiliate Accelerator and My Exclusive Custom Bonuses Here <<==

If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below.

To your freedom,

John W. Newman

Helping you create TIME AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM by building a PROFITABLE Business Online!

Dream It… Believe It… Then Achieve It!


**Disclaimer: My Final Verdict on product reviews are based on “my honest opinion” on the frontend offer ONLY, and it’s quality in relation to the price, and whether I believe you will get value from it… IF YOU FOLLOW THE TRAINING AND DO THE WORK…There is no guarantee that you will have the same success with any of the products or services I recommend… Most people don’t do anything with the products they buy, and most of the time, their results are zero! Again, this is my honest opinion only and I never recommend a product just to make a quick buck**

*Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews/promotions on this page, we always offer an honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make.*


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2 thoughts on “Affiliate Accelerator Review”

  1. For what this course if offering the price seems to worth it, the pros outweigh the cons by far which I think is pretty amazing and like you said you have seen similar products that sell for far more so the investment in this product is good.

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