Project Profit Academy Review

Project Profit Academy Review

Project Profit Academy Review

Name: Project Profit Academy (PPA)


Owners: Brendan Mace and Jono Armstrong

Price: $1997

Overall Rank: 9/10

What is Project Profit Academy?

Project Profit Academy is “super affiliates” Brendan Mace and Jono Armstrong’s high-end membership site and coaching program.

These guys are some of the top affiliate’s and vendors on the Warrior Plus and JV Zoo affiliate networks and earn in excess of 100 thousand dollars a MONTH each online.

*IMPORTANT: If you want to pick up Project Profit Academy… DON’T get it from the live workshop.

Get it from this page instead (links below) so that you don’t miss out on my bonuses. (As well as all of Brendan’s bonuses as well)

==>> Get Project Profit Academy And My Exclusive Custom Bonuses For Only $1997 Here <<==

What’s in Project Profit Academy and what does it do?

Project Profit Academy (PPA) was first put together by Brendan Mace and is basically everything he has learned to create a successful business online.

Later on, Jono actually watched Brendan’s webinar, joined PPA, and in a very short time started seeing exceptional results.

Eventually, they teamed up as business partners and Jono has also added his training into the member’s area.

Both Brendan and Jono are earning well in excess of 100 thousand dollars a MONTH each… so they know their stuff…

With these two super affiliates’s now teamed up together, you have all of the tools, training, support and mentorship to build your own successful online business earning over 10 thousand dollars per month plus.

Big call?

Let’s see what’s inside…

(Some of Brendan’s earning proof ?)

Project Profit Academy Review

Affiliate Academy

Affiliate Academy includes 20 video training tutorials ranging from 6-57 minutes and is basically everything Brendan knows about affiliate marketing, building a profitable email list and running affiliate campaigns.

It also includes over 200 of Brendan’s personal email swipes that you can download for your own use (which is a huge time-saver) and several videos from Jono.

Launch Academy

Launch Academy is 12 video training tutorials from Brendan where he teaches you everything he knows about launching your own digital product on Warrior Plus.

Brendan launches his own products at least every month and earns well in excess of 100K per month using these methods.

Project Profit Academy Review

Experts Academy

Experts Academy includes 4 video tutorials ranging from 3-23 minutes and includes 3 from Jono where he reveals some of his biggest secrets that he has never revealed before.

There is also another 12-minute video from Brendan about creating your own high-ticket webinar.

Project Profit Academy Review

Access to ALL of Brendan’s courses

You also get access to all of Brendan’s previous (and future courses) AND you will have guaranteed approval to promote them as an affiliate yourself (and be set to 100% commissions after the launch period)

In the images below you can see some of Brendan’s products I’m approved to promote in my Warrior Plus account and how I’m set at 100% commissions right across the funnel… and some of the commissions I’ve made from a few of them…

Project Profit Academy Review

Project Profit Academy Review

Project Profit Academy Review

Personal Rolodex and Monthly Calls

You also get access to Brendan’s personal Rolodex of web designers and copywriters.

You also get Monthly Mastermind calls.

Project Profit Academy Review

Profit Funnel

You will also get 300 clicks to your own “Profit Funnel” where Brendan and his team will follow up to your own affiliate links on your behalf.

You can also download these leads to your own email autoresponder. (As they are YOUR leads)

Project Profit Academy Review

Limitless Traffic

As a member of PPA, you can access something called “Limitless Traffic” where you can put your tracking “pixel” on these guys sales pages.

There are thousands of potential buyers hitting their sales pages every month, which means that in a short space of time you can build up a retargeting audience of “buyers”… This is MASSIVE!

You can see a few of the retargeting audiences I have started building up below… Remember, these are all known buyers or at least potential buyers that I can run retargeting ads to. (Retargeting ads are also way cheaper to run than normal advertising)

Project Profit Academy Review


There is a support team you can contact on Skype for full support.

I’ve dealt with their Skype support many times and I’ve found them pretty quick and helpful on every occasion.

Project Profit Academy Review

How much does Project Profit Academy cost?

Project Profit Academy costs $1997 or there is a two payment plan of $550 a month for two months.

Project Profit Academy Review

Project Profit Academy Review

Project Profit Academy Review

==>> Get Project Profit Academy And My Exclusive Custom Bonuses For Only $1997 Here <<==

Ready to scale to 10k per month online with Project Profit Academy?

I bought into Project Profit Academy at the end of May 2019 and haven’t regretted it for one minute.

There is some great information in the course and is basically everything Brendan knows online… and he must know a bit to be earning over 100k per month… but one of the best things I like is getting guaranteed approval for all his products set at 100% commissions and the “Limitless Traffic”… this is a huge advantage.

If you want to get on track to 10k per month then Project Profit Academy could be just what you need to get moving.

But, before you decide, here are my exclusive custom bonuses, if you decide to pick up “Project Profit Academy Review” via my link.

My Exclusive Custom Project Profit Academy Bonuses


*I have hand-picked all of these exclusive bonuses so that you can use them in combination with Project Profit Academy and scale it to the next level!*

*All of these bonuses will be immediately available for automatic download in your Warrior Plus Account after purchase*

Final Verdict: 9/10

Watch The Full Project Profit Academy Webinar

==>> Get Project Profit Academy And My Exclusive Custom Bonuses For Only $1997 Here <<==

Project Profit Academy Review

If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below.

To your freedom,

John W. Newman

Helping you create TIME AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM by building a PROFITABLE Business Online!

Dream It… Believe It… Then Achieve It!


**Disclaimer: My Final Verdict on product reviews are based on “my honest opinion” on the frontend offer ONLY, and it’s quality in relation to the price, and whether I believe you will get value from it… IF YOU FOLLOW THE TRAINING AND DO THE WORK…There is no guarantee that you will have the same success with any of the products or services I recommend… Most people don’t do anything with the products they buy, and most of the time, their results are zero! Again, this is my honest opinion only and I never recommend a product just to make a quick buck**

*Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews/promotions on this page, we always offer an honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make.*

“I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.” 


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